On the long flight home to Washington in a C-17 military cargo jet, Gates, who declined to be interviewed for this article, disappeared into his mobile home in the plane's belly with Pace and a bottle of California cabernet sauvignon. A few days later, Odierno got the word: Gates wants you to have all five brigades.
While there's certainly nothing wrong with drinking California Cabs (at my former wine bar, I used to serve this vintage, which is really quite good), there are clearly superior options for the Official Drink of Counterinsurgents. And don't buy this whole nonsense that leading COIN blogs try to pass off about arrack; one whiff of my former Sri Lankan roommate's favorite bottle has convinced me that this must be either a dastardly in-joke, or an extended Tim Powers
No, the proper drink of the counterinsurgent is clearly gin. What more could hearken back to counterinsurgency's dusty and slightly disreputable British history** than the favored liquor of Churchill? And this legacy is still alive in the Middle East; the Jordanians to this day make amazing gin that compares to Hendrick's in quality, and Gordon's in price!*** Clearly, there was a knowledge diffusion effect.
* According to Tim Powers' detailed historigraphic backstory notes for Declare, T.E. Lawrence, Gertrude Bell, and others used to take a shot of one half measure kerosene, one half measure arrack mixed together. I leave it to the reader to decide whether this was as a sort of initiation, or simply to cut the arrack's taste...
** About which more later, when I get around to cleaning up my senior essay enough to put it up on this blog.
*** Contrary to popular conception, working as a bartender tends to have the same effect as working in a chocolate factory; spending all day with the product tends to make it rather less appealing on one's off hours.
* do you mean S Asian arrack or middle eastern arak? i can't speak to the former, but if it was the latter, i can say from experience that kerosene shooters would be an infinite improvement over straight up.
***this, in my experience with bartenders (broader than it has any right to be), is completely untrue. the summer i spent in boston, i was consistently amazed by the inclination of my bartender friends to spend their nights off in bars...on the other hand when i went out with them, i got free drinks, so i kept my comments to myself.