Thursday, March 5, 2009

Ta-Nehisi Coates reminds us what forceful argument, the kind that takes every word, clause, connector, and punctuation mark, and turns it into a weapon, looks like.

This is the best paragraph, but read the whole thing:

The point is that you have to be able to distinguish your deeply held beliefs, from the electorates. I think much of the GOP's trouble stems from the inability to discern the difference. That whole "Real America," "Real Virginia," small-town snobbery bit, isn't an act--they actually believe it. I've never understood the whole "Center-right country" meme, because it's ultimately self-serving--and then self-defeating. It blinds you to the hard work of arguing, cajoling and fighting with the electorate, until they see your point. It's interesting that so many of their most dominant voices of the GOP (Steele, Gingrich, Limbaugh) have either never won an election, or haven't won one in a decade. 

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